Plant Based Diet 101

How You Can Get Started

A frequent question I get, is why do I eat plant-based. With all those tasty animal products out there, how could I make such a silly decision? Well, I feel strongly that if people are exposed to some of the same ideas I’ve been exposed to, then they would understand, if not want to try being more plant based. I want you to be exposed to some of the content that really influenced my journey.

My desire to go plant-based started with a desire to eat healthier. I soon met my now fiance almost three years ago, and she was already plant based and had even written a cookbook. A few months into our relationship the New Year was rolling around of 2014, and I gave myself a 30 day plant based challenge. I’ll write more on getting started in another post, but long story short, I have not looked back since.

Eating this way has allowed me to live in accordance with reducing harm to animals that experience suffering. Striving for this alignment between values and actions is a key feature of upping purpose. The more I live this way, the higher my vibration becomes, or in other words the happier I am. I want that for you.

Plant Based Diet 101: Education Through Documentaries

My plant-based diet education started with Forks Over Knives. This a documentary gives both scientific and anecdotal evidence about the benefits of making plants the centerpiece to our diets. Essentially most of our modern diseases are cuased by diet, and we can reverse the damage with food instead of drugs or surgery, the “knives” in the title. This is a must see film for anyone.

Examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting our present menu of animal-based and processed foods. – IMDB

The one that really was a tear jerker, and I don’t cry or cringe easily, was the graphic eye-opening gut-wrenching Earthlings, narrated by Joaquin Phoenix. The trailer gives you an indication of how gruesome the reality of animal suffering is. I do respect the notion that this movie presupposes, that we are all earthlings with the right to live here, and just because we can rule over animals, doesn’t mean we should. Rather we should take care of them as we all are sentient beings.

Using hidden cameras and never-before-seen footage, Earthlings chronicles the day-to-day practices of the largest industries in the world, all of which rely entirely on animals for profit. – IMDB

Lastly another one that helped galvanize my thinking was Cowspiracy. This is an in depth look at industrial meat machine, how unhealthy the animals are, how unhealthy the meat is from these farms, and how damaging the industry is to the environment.

Follow the shocking, yet humorous, journey of an aspiring environmentalist, as he daringly seeks to find the real solution to the most pressing environmental issues and true path to sustainability. – IMDB

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